Friday, February 11, 2011

All's Well That Ends

Nothing is ever as bad as it seems.  No problem with rotator cuff and apparently it was just a pulled muscle.  
and.....back to golfing, bridge, lessons, cooking, playing with dog, shopping etc, etc.  Doc said new hip could be gotten at anytime.  It is just up to me.  Only thing I have a really difficult time doing is putting on socks on the right foot.  I cannot bend forward or down and it is really a pain in the butt.  I can do it however if I puff and pull and get the sock over my toes.  Now one would really think that should be so easy.  No wonder I laughed as a baby when I could grab my toes.  All in all however this old bod is serving me well enough and I just need to respect it and exercise, eat right, and be glad for every day.

I had a wonderful visit on the phone with bro Gary, and Sister Glenna.  Not as good as seeing them but such a warm feeling to hear their voices and to get up dated on all the doins in SLC .  Also managed to get hold of Granddaughter Rachel, most likely because she was home feeling under the weather.  Discussion of Christmas return problems.  So agravating for both of us that this long into the New Year we are still trying to resolve a bill issue on a returned item.  Well!  Finally today an email that the company has received the return package.  I  will make a copy and send to Rachel.  I hope they will return and reimburse the postage as well.  Internet shopping does have some drawbacks that is for sure.  It may save me time and gas for the car but time spent is an issue.  I will be more careful who I order from in the future and certainly I WILL NOT USE THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANY.

Most of tonight I have spent getting my new iphone updated and synced to computer.  I can make calls etc, take pics, play bridge, practice Spanish and French, read mail Oh the things that I can do!  And then there are the things I really don't know how to do.  Rachel, our photography expert, assures me the camera on the phone is great.  Ok.  I may try it soon.  There are other things that it can do which I haven't accessed and somehow I have not synced our calendars(critical to do).  Sometimes a lot of time is wasted just learning.  And I need to grow longer fingernails with points to use the small key board.  I get verrrrrrry   frustrated hitting the wrong letters,deleting, backtracking.   I don't think I will ever text.  Who knows.  GTG Lo

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Time & Meditation & the Superbowl

There is something in the Superbowl that portends danger for me.  Four years ago on Superbowl Sunday while hastening across my kitchen I tripped on my lowlying dishwasher door(forgot it was open) and flattened myself on my tile floor.   Consequent clinical attention = one broken humerus.  Left arm.  No problem just medical bills, physical therapy bills, pain, movement restriction and a requirement to be patient with another orthopedic episode.  I did take comfort in that it was left side involvement which still allowed me to be a functional cook etc.  Now 4 years later,  not waiting a week for the great Superbowl, I mistakenly got into a war with a long sleeve top while hurriedly dressing.  Mistake.  One sleeve was inside out and I got tangled up with one arm in and one trying to get in and cussing did not work.  I heard a snap.  I thought I had torn the garment.  That would have been simple.  There is something in the body like a garment called a rotator cuff which has lots of tendons, muscles and stuff under the scapula.  This probably is why good football players wear shoulder pads.  Now I believe through the help of a good orthopedic surgeon I am going to become further acquainted with the appendage which is on the right side.  Although  I will not be playing football I will wear my ice pack, take my ibuprofen and Iwill empathize with the pain of every tackle and pile up I see this Sunday.

The internet docs are not too optomistic about aging shoulders and rotator cuffs.  I don't know if one can actually hear "tears" in a tendon.  That is, a tear such as tearing material or tears you get in a tendon, not sobbing because you are angry about being careless and hurrying.  Or angry because you may never swing a golf club again.  Or angry because you may not be able to lift your greatgrandbabies into your arms, or shampoo your loved shnauzer, Fritz.  The only thing you can take comfort in is that your name is not in the obituaries, you have a left arm that can learn to do a lot of things, you have a wonderful husband who knows how to cook, you can still dance, read and sing, take pictures of the great grandbabies... and buy a new IPHONE from Apple.  Hey make my day Mr. Jobs.  I am so lucky.  And when I get x-rayed or whatever I can have my right hip checked as well as my right shoulder and get a 2/4 one.

Everybody sing.  "Put your left shoulder in put your left shoulder out, Put your left shoulder in and shake it all about, Put your left hip replacement in.  Put your left hip replacement out.  Put your left hip replacement in and shake it all about.  Put your right shoulder in.  Put your right shoulder out.  Put your right hip out ......Ouch.  That's what aging's all about."  Lawrence, may I please borrow your shoulder pads for the next Superbowl?.....