Friday, May 27, 2011

TGIF and Peeping Toms

As a retired Granny,  I am not working so the  title TGIF might be a little weak except that a glorious sun is holding the sky.  Still not walking, I am in my shorts trying to take on some rays, and.....I managed to cook breakfast for us for a change.  Blueberry pancakes for a blueberry sky.  Also I figured out a way to weigh my body minus the boot, which I was certain weighed about 10 lbs. at least.  Guess again.....2 lbs.  This computation means that I have gained some pounds thanks to everyone's royal treatment of me, Ed's cooking and then my own commiseration over restricting freedoms  and boredom of a recovering patient.  I have never been known to be patient by the way.  But indulgent chocolate and ice cream remedies for sulking never work in the long run.  Now I have to check all my diet lists so that I can get back into summer clothes again.

Freedom is also gradually returning.  Here I am at my very own computer.  So now I can tell you about the  window peeping tom.  Every morning in the west bathroom I spend some time doing my hair, cosmetics, and dressing.  Not to mention a basin bath and clean up.(I have to have limited showers because Ed has to be there to help some.)  Anyway, I began to feel I was being watched. (I do have the shade up on the window each day to let in the sun.)  So imagine my surprise to see this little gecco that goes up the stucco supports of our ramada hanging to the side and watching me.  He is the same gecco because he has a little stripe of black around his neck, and he has kind of grey and red colors which match the stucco.  He watches me for a time and then he leaves.  This has happened for about three mornings now.  I think the guy has a crush on me.  Maybe he is related to the television gecco because he has an amazing personality for a gecco.  Do geccos have brains?  Can they be trained as pets?  I hate to end our relationship.  What do you think?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mending tendon or whatever

So the last time I wrote the words were full of self pity, remorse and frustration about cracking the glass table top all over my leg.  Impatience may be a virtue to thrust one ahead in life but more times than not haste makes waste as my mom used to say.  Blaming it on one's genes doesn't help because after so many years on this earth one would gain wisdom above basic instinct.  Never too old to learn.  Myself and this black boot are not the fashion statement I wanted to make this year although it does compliment my new black toner sketcher.  Hobbling around the kitchen for the next month, sleeping with the boot which requires no cover and will be an increasing source of warmth in the approaching summer.

Missed Havesu and all the fun.  Missed Africa and the glorious promises of the travel brochure.  Instead I have been the recipient of many condolences, gifts, cards, visits and kisses from friends, family and my dog Fritz.  He, Fritz, follows my hulking footsteps wherever.  Always on the ready to send a howl of distress if I need it.  We have the patios front and back, red towering mountains and cliffs and an ever increasing cascade of color with desert broom, cacti, roses, geraniums and indigo all fighting for attention.  The prolonged rainy season only receives grand applause from the desert foliage...  We are so lucky.  So now I am breathing in this sunshine and fragrant breeze while taking the time to observe calesthenics of geccos, flights of humming birds and finches and desert doves.  And then there is the marvelous culinary treats provided by chief chef Eduardo and friends.  Magnifique!   And quiet hours to read and enjoy.  Who knew rehab could be like this?  Thanks everyone.  I love you.