Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cookies in the Jar

Cookies In The Jar

Rainy morning spent baking Amerettis. Modification of gluten free recipe and beginning of banana pudding recipe. Experiments with not using flour and cutting the sugar content is rather fun. Amazing to think of all the different flours you can make. Also now trying blue agave syrup in coffee. Whatever works because the aging body does not appear to be metabolizing as well these days. As Hope says, We have now come to the tuck and roll part of our lives instead of "rock and roll." But there are so many new things to try these days that one would really have to work at being bored. Another benefit of cookie baking is that you sort of forget the horrible oil spill and the drowning birds, suffocating shrimp and crab and other fish. Lord if we keep it up Popeye won't even be able to eat his spinach.

So I got out my old cookie jar saved for lo these many, many years. A gift from a small boy and girl about 50 years ago on Mother's Day. A bit of nostalgia on a cloudy day. Visits by cell with daughter and sister and reviews of emails blogs & Facebook. Oh so far away yet so close its a contradiction. Everyone is so over connected that it should be a time for this planet to be glowing with love and caring for all that we humans have achieved and what we can further be. And yet, as the song says "so far away" doesn't anybody care any more?
I was going to read The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire until I realized it was six volumes and was written by Gibbons in the 1800s. Substituted reading on the rise and fall of other empires, Mesopotamia, Greece, Roman and Egyptian, So many years and yet so far away. Probably woman have always been baking cookies or trying to reach a few hearts and get a few smiles.

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