Monday, November 8, 2010

First of the Week blues

Everybody left yesterday to return home.  It is so quiet around the house without Ava playing with the dog, chatting or just continuing her busy craft work.  It is so much fun having them here.  We took a Sunrise Sunday jaunt up the hill in back of our house.  Great day.  So clear and smelled of creosote and sage.
The entire valley was quiet.  Not much stirring until after the first rays of the sun started to hit the surrounding hills.  So beautiful here.  I hope Rachel got some good shots with her Nikon.  Ava looked out over the desert scene with little binoculars.  She would spy something and then have to tell GiGi all about it.

The storm came in after they left.  Rain off and on all day today.  Very cold this afternoon and no higher than 55 expected tomorrow.  We had fun 8 of us playing bridge at Mary Juers.  Following the new lessons and conventions we have been trying to learn the past 4 weeks or so, it was a little confusing for me.  Party bridge disappoints me usually because I never seem to get much of a hand.  Will play duplicate Wednesday nite and maybe it won't be so bad.  If I could just remember everything I have learned.  Ed has been trying to follow the lessons and the handouts so we can discuss them and possibly just change our style of play when we are partners.  I hope I improve so he won't give up on it.

Wednesday I should get examined for new hearing aids.  Expensive proposition that.  But necessary if I want to follow what is going on with others.  Thursday we will be playing golf again and I plan to play at Sunbrook tomorrow cold or not.  I will just bundle up.  Wednesday it is supposed to rain again but it is possible that Thursday will be a clear day.  We will be playing Sand Hollow and getting a lesson from the pro over there.  Goodness knows I could stand to improve.

I will try to take some new pics to place on this blog.  Rachel gave me a thorough review of all the features I could be using and corrected some errors I had made.  My grandkids are so darn smart.  Wow.  Thanks Rachel.

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