Sunday, November 21, 2010

Turkey Hunt

Well, maybe.  I facilate between getting the real bird and a small turkey breast.  I will be reviewing recipes tomorrow and making a list, checking it twice etc.  I want to be nice to myself and those at my table so that we won't be laying around on the couch with regrets about the 4000+ calories we have consumed.  Yams will not be with marshmellows since Ed forgoes anything with high sugar content.  I think the emphasis on the day, given that weather allows, will be a great walk following breakfast.  Visiting with daughter Pat and playing with Fritz, the mini schnauzer.  Pretty low key this year but there is so much to talk about and a lot has happened since I came back home in late summer.

We are having visitors tonight but probably when they creep in we will be long asleep.  Travelling on the road so late, working and moving, Torry and Chris will no doubt be glad to just crash.  The storm has us a little worried although down in these parts it is heavy rain, some wind, some hail, but so far no snow to cramp up the highways.  This morning we had another glorious rainbow with dark clouds framing it in the western sky.  By the time I got my camera loaded it was too late.  It had disappeared.  I guess I will have to keep the camera at the ready.  I would put on some pics but I haven't taken any new ones lately.

I ripped off some pics from Chris' facebook albums.  Seems I missed some choice ones.  I want to take a lot while Pat is here.  Maybe some of Chris and Torry if they hang around long enough.  I made some lite peanut butter cookies and left them out in case they want a snack.  What else?  I cleaned out a closet and filled a box with trash.  Oh!  We got out the old 9ft. Christmas tree to begin holiday decorations.  All the lights work.  Hoorah!  It took us awhile to figure out how the cords and sections fitted together but eventually we got everything working with one extra extension cord.  Most of the Chinese products are very precise in construction and somehow we must have missed a planned connection.  Oh well.  Whatever works, works.  Sorry about the loss of tradition, tramping thru the snow,cutting down etc. where you have a tree permit.  Been there.  Done that.  Kids love it.  Too cold and wet for seniors now.  Out of the box, up with the tree, have a hot cup of tea and listen to the fire crackle after we switch it on.  I am so excited that we are having a fun holiday.

Today I learned that one of my dear cousins died and the funeral will be on Wednesday.  He was a real hero to me when he served in World War 11.  Went into the invasion of Germany which was so tough a fight.  He suffered from shell shock and spent many months in therapy following.  I remember how handsome he was and how he could sing.  I didn't know he had developed Alsheimers and had worsened recently.  Life is tough.  He lived a good one and he will be missed by everyone.

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