Sunday, December 5, 2010

Frustration & Seasonal Blahs

So you get the urge and the Christmas spirit and send everyone this fun advent calendar.
And......out of 22 you send you hear that maybe 3 or 4 have opened it.  Oh the fears of the internet where nothing is sacred and everything has a danger lurking.  And Christmas seems to be no exception not just on the internet.  Everyone seems most concerned about making money, money, money.  The politicians seem to be representing primarily themselves instead of the people in this country.  Depressing.  And must wonder if this is another stalemate just to add to President Obama's reputation.   Always a hold out while someone somewhere has a point to make while many people are trying just to make enough to stay alive.  And then the publicity pandering people selling books, lies, all for profit.  Todays new rock stars rising to fame out of the mud.  So the Christmas spirit is difficult to maintain this year unless you ignore the internet, ignore the newspapers, ignore television news,  and ignore all the pressure to shop and spend your money.  Best to focus on your close friends, relatives and those you love.  Be kind to others because that may be the only real gift they get this year.

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