Friday, December 10, 2010

Shopping and not Shopping

So the internet and I are getting better acquainted.  I found a site for Salt Lake Deals so I wheeled and dealed and maybe some of you will get the results of my clumsy deals on the internet.  It is laborious to shop no matter how you do it.  I go through so many pictures and styles, select some, and notice before I check out that delivery would be in March of 2011.   HoHoHO!  No sale folks.  And there is so much time wasted in filling out forms that one wonders if the sleigh will ever leave the North Pole.  And you never know when or where these packages will or will not be delivered.  I went out to get the newspaper with my faithful dog, Fritz.  As I reentered the house, I happened to notice a brown, paper parcel lodged in back of one of my large flower pots.  Oh!  Wonders and amazing delivery from via UP antics.  I think we will soon, at the courtesy and uncanny wisdom of the postal delivery people, be looking for brown wrapped gifts much like easter eggs, hidden behind bushes, in pots or wherever!  Or maybe in a passerbys pocket.

And then this morning has been filled with phone calls urging me to contact my congressmen about this and that.  I told them I really didn't think my congressmen care a rat's ass about what I might urge upon them or they would have straigtened up already.  But I would email of course.  I don't know how I can be defined liberal when all I want is for those yehhoos is to start paying the deficit, tighten the budget, and stop pandering to people who don't care about anyone but themselves.  And then I look at the largesse of millionaires who are now setting up charity donations in large amounts.  Charity!  It might give you a bowl of soup in a long line of stragglers but it will not build esteem or a feeling of liberty.  Time was when those who were charitable set guidelines on "who were the deserving poor."  Many people consider themselves wealthy and perhaps they have been successful in this land of opportunity.  For thus it has been for many of us.   But now it seems it is time to limit the opportunity of those who have been less fortunate.  Of course.  That is the conservative way.  And I wanted no tax cuts, nada!  Well tomorrow is another day. We hope.

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