Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Spring has almost sprung.  Almost.  The new tile is going to be set next week.  We will be leaving to stay out of the dust and workmens way and will be in an out while the miracle of rejuvenation proceeds.  We are managing to keep busy although it is somewhat a chore to try to find different wearing apparal to match or not when everything is distributed in sacks, boxes and in the garage.  I cannot say enough about the wonderful insurance company who have thus far been life savers in this tile dilemna.  The cause remains a mystery but the house I believe (I've got to believe!) will emerge as good as new.  Several times lately I have wanted to run away.  Escapism is big on my list.  Unfortunately it mainly ends in chocolate, cookies, ice cream, driving in any direction and shopping.  Movies also rate high.  Hugo, The Artist, Warhorse and I think the Iron Lady this weekend.  Reading my traditional path to somewhere out currently has me in Boston with the Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys.  Great writing by Goodwin.  I read first about Lincoln and his buddies, then Eleanor and Roosevelt and thus far the length of these books have not discouraged me.  I wonder why schools can't offer such tantalizing material as history texts.  I know I will keep these on my shelf and in my mind now realize and see the U.S. in a broader and more interesting way.  And it fascinates me that we have moved to the point we have in 2012 still having biases about immigrants(only the countries have changed) still financial dilemnas and political pandering.  Ultimately one also sees political power that rises to greatness and at the same time stinks in the sewer, all depending on motive and goal.  These stories make the newspaper events of today seem rather repetetive if not somewhat boring.   Not many statesman who will make great strides these days when personal greed seems primary.  And one wonders following our great and wonderous rescue work during WW11 whether we can ever move from the manufacturing of war materials, and armies, and our role as saviour to the world back to education, leadership, and modelling of a free society of our own.  Ah well that too is a dream to escape to.

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