Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday in the Mohabi

Early awakening to watch the dawn creep up from the southern hills and light the way for the paper delivery.  Much is in my mind and much remains to be done this day, tomorrow and the next.  The day begins with the local news and the latest crossword puzzle and a cup of coffee.  Then Fritz barks for his breakfast and walk.  One wonders how he will adjust to Marriot suites and hopefully he will remember his command of quiet.  If he does not it will be a short trip to the animal tender so that we do not become evicted and displaced persons.  This is not like any trip we have ever taken and I would much rather be going to Africa if not this summer right now.  Immediately!  My teeth ache and it must be from clenching my jaws as I awake to this upheaval in our abode.  Not that the problem even nears the tremendous tragedies experienced by those whose homes get the blast of tornados, floods and earthquakes or nuclear leaks.  So one knows greater empathy and while my own agony persists I know that this too shall pass away and the house will smile again.  I am luckier that most.

Somehow it is appropriate to count one's blessings shortly before Valentines.  My loved one in residence plugs thru each day with reliable good humor.  Dependable and loving to both me and Fritz.  He has reserved strength previously unknown to me.  Always there to confer about what can be done and how shall we do it.  We manage each day together.  He has been willing to do just about anything to reduce the pressure of the current dilemna.  Movies, shopping, drives, dinner or lunch out.  Honey you just say it and I'm your man.  Yes he is and I am again very lucky.  I promised to make him a new chocolate whoopee cookie with peanut butter frosting.  He said " please don't bother".     Maybe golf balls instead I think.  Whatever.  He is famous for always declaring that there is absolutely nothing he needs or wants.
Lucky me indeed!

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