Saturday, October 9, 2010


So I sent a little money to buy a cup of jo for a soldier in Iraq.  We are corresponding by email and it is very exciting to hear how his life is going over there.  I thought at first why would he want to correspond with an elder citizen when he may have wished for someone more his age.  Then I worried when I didn't hear back for awhile and tried to dismiss the worry.  Surprise I looked in junk mail and there is where his response landed because of my weak computer knowledge.  We will get on with the mail friendship and my new pen pal from time to time.  Lately I have had so much fun with my IPAD and learning how to use Facebook and so forth that my brain got tired.  So exciting.  And I copied ancient videos and got them on line in clips for some to see.  My granddaughters are such and inspiration and my grandson Chris was a whiz in helping me set up the IPAD.  So much fun I wish I could live forever.  Go see Social Network you all.  Fortune magazine has an article about the expansion of Facebook to Russia.  The world is spinning very fast these days.  Love it.

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