Friday, October 22, 2010

Rain On Our Roof

Friday and already they are predicting winter.  Our world is smelling great with wet sand, creosote, and mesquite  crowding the trails.  Doggie walks will be good this weekend.  This morning tried to pin my confused older brain into learning new bridge game techniques.  Also tried to maintain diet in the face of all the wonderous goodies people bring.  I brought apples for everyone and myself and then I drank tea and water.  Oh I am feeling like such a gooood girl.  Strength exercises completed later and I am A ok for this week thus far.  Jotted down Lisa LULUBIIRD nutrition pumpkin soup recipe.  Thought the bourbon might intrigue Ed to try it.  He is not fond of pumkin cookies etc. although he will try pie without whipped cream.  I am still wondering about menu for Fritz' party.  Ed vetoed pumpkin smoothies.  Because it will be breakfast brunch I may try a lo calorie strata, Bloody Marys(Ed' suggestion), fruit plate, and brownies.  Maybe black bean brownies for the health of it.  Hopefully the day will be fine for a doggie walk.  Some doggie buds have already rsvp ed so we should have a good turn out.  Received some great Halloween cards via email so thank you all.

1 comment:

  1. Gram! You're trying my recipes? Wow, thanks! I've had black bean brownies before and I did enjoy them. Oh how I wish I could come down and see you guys. Gotta stock back up on my PTO at work!
